
Help an award-winning comic artist support freedom in Hong Kong.

Award-winning comic book artist, Austin Jingxiong Guo, also known as Daxiong (Big Hero in Chinese), is working to produce a comic book about the experience of a young boy who witnessed the protests that took place in Hong Kong from 2019 to 2020. The protests were the result of the city's Fugitive Offenders Amendment Bill, also known as the Hong Kong Extradition Bill, designed to allow the Hong Kong government and the Chinese Communist Party to infringe Hong Kongers' rights provided by the Basic Law.

You have probably heard about the events in Hong Kong from newspapers and TV networks. And Austin's artwork will give you a better idea of what those events are like in the eyes of the average Hong Kongers. 

The comic book

The book depicts a young Canadian boy of Hong Kong origin. He is slightly introverted and does not know much about the world beyond the country he lives in. He certainly has no idea what the Chinese Communist Party is willing to do to maintain its power. 

Sample page in the book
Sample page in the book

As the conflicts between the pro-democracy and pro-CCP groups in Hong Kong heat up, everyone in our story, including the main character's families and strangers he comes across, is forced to make some difficult choices. 

Sample page in the book

How will each character view the situation in Hong Kong? What will each of them do based on what they believe is important? And what choices will our main character make? At least we know there is unlikely to be a happy ending for everyone in our story.

Sample page in the book

The book is expected to contain around 100 pages of Austin's drawings.


About the creator

Austin Jingxiong Guo is a Chinese American comic book artist, editor, and publisher. He has received recognition for his work in the industry, including first place at the Shanghai Animation & Comic Competition and top honors at the 33rd annual Angoulême International Comics Festival.

Austin's Workshop

Since 1999, through his studio, Austin has published more than 100 titles distributed in China, Japan, and Taiwan. His MuoWang series was published and distributed in France by Soleil Publications. After winning top honors at the 33rd annual Angoulême International Comics Festival for his work in Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, Austin was offered a contract to work with Soleil Publication on the book Muowang and La Guerre des Orcs, which received a lot of praise in France and were translated into German and Italian in 2013.

In 2010, after moving to New York City, Austin became an artist on the Top 10 Special #1 with Wildstorm Productions. He was credited as the artist on the graphic novella Star Wars: Adventures: Luke Skywalker and the Treasure of the Dragonsnakes with writer Tom Taylor through Dark Horse Comics. And In the next year, Star Wars Adventures: Boba Fett and the Ship of Fear were the year's top 5 best-selling comic books. 

Stan Lee likes Austin's work
In 2014, Austin founded Flag Art Studios Inc.

Austin was the artist for a 10-page story titled "Superman and Doctor Light in Samurai" in DC's 80 Page Giant, Justice League of America, written by Amanda Mcmurry. 


  • GOLDEN MONKEY KING AWARD China International Cartoon and Animation Festival (2008 China)
  • Top honors at the 33rd annual Angoulême International Comics Festival. (2006 France)
  • Viewer’s Choice Award on ICON 29. (2010 US)
  • Best Original interactive production (2018 nominated in Academy of Canadian Cinema & television)
  • Official selection by CINANIMA 2020 and SPARK ANIMATION 2020

Notable works:

Austin's work for Justice League of America
Austin's work for award-winning video game Shuyan Saga
  • Fairy Tales (Inner Mongolia Publications, 1996)
  • A Thousand Phrases (Inner Mongolia Publications, 1996)
  • 10 Greatest Stories in the World (Jilin Publication, 1998)
  • Chinese Ghost Stories (Northern China Publications, 2000)
  • Philosophers (Jilin Entertainment, 2001)
  • Water Margin Heroes (Shanghai People's Press, 2002)
  • Twenty Years of Strange 12 Issues (Hebei Art Press, 2002)
  • 36 Tactics, 18 issues (Northern Press, 2003)
  • Muowang-les éveillés ( Soleil France 2008)
  • Sir Apropos of Nothing #4 Alt Cover (IDW, 2008)
  • TOP 10 Special #1 (Wildstorm Productions, 2009)
  • Justice League of America 80-PAGE Giant 10-page Superman story, (DC Comics, 2009)
  • Star Wars Adventures: Luke Skywalker and the Treasure of the Dragon snakes (DARK HORSE January 20, 2010)
  • Fringe: Tales From The Fringe #2" (DC Comics July 2010- Adopted from HBO TV series )
  • Star Wars Adventures: Boba Fett and the Ship of Fear (DARK HORSE 2011)
  • La Guerre des Orcs T1  (Soleil France 2011)
  • GFT GRIMM FAIRY TALES #104 C (Zenescope Entertainment 2013)
  • Wonderland #27 Cover (Zenescope Entertainment 2014)
  • #117 Wicked Cover A- [Zenescope Comic 2015]
  • CBRNe World Magazine Cover ( 2015 Oct edition)
  • Red Whisperer (self-published)
  • Shuyan saga video game (Art Director, Lofty Sky Entertainment Canada, released on Aug 2017)
  • TAOBAO 12.12 global shopping festival advertisement illustrations ( Dec 2017)
  • Animation-Journey to the west (Assistant Art Director, Produced by Tippet Studio & Wanda Group 2017-2018)
  • Illustration for Canada Goose ( 2018 Chinese New Year Special version)
  • Celestial warrior volume 1,2,3 (2019)
  • Art Director for Animation film “Up we soar” (2020)

Where we are now

So far Austin has finished around 40% of the book. We would appreciate your financial help so that Austin can finish the entire book and make the copies available to the general public.


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Physical copy with hand drawn cover

Everything at the $150 level + Austin will hand draw a customized book cover for your copy. Shipping included.

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